Tuesday 22 May 2018

Sistema de comércio tíbia

Trade system tibia
Para celebrar seu recente quarto aniversário, o TibiaMagazine. ve aparece em um novo design. Vá para lá para dar uma olhada!
Para celebrar seu recente quarto aniversário, o TibiaMagazine. ve aparece em um novo design. Vá para lá para dar uma olhada!
TibiaEvents começou o concurso de Valentine! O que você está fazendo com a sua data neste dia especial? Crie uma história em quadrinhos com screenshots para participar de Love is in the Air! Vá até o TibiaEvents para ler todos os detalhes!
TibiaEvents começou o concurso de Valentine! O que você está fazendo com a sua data neste dia especial? Crie uma história em quadrinhos com screenshots para participar de Love is in the Air! Vá até o TibiaEvents para ler todos os detalhes!
Atualização: uma nova versão do cliente foi lançada. As interações de NPCs agora devem funcionar como planejado novamente. Por favor, reinicie seu cliente para receber a nova atualização. Lamentamos muito o problema que esse problema causou.
Atualização: uma nova versão do cliente foi lançada. As interações de NPCs agora devem funcionar como planejado novamente. Por favor, reinicie seu cliente para receber a nova atualização. Lamentamos muito o problema que esse problema causou.
Amanhã, 14 de fevereiro, você pode visitar Valentina em Greenshore e comprar alguns presentes de Valentine para ela. Mostre aos seus entes queridos que você pensa neles e surpreenda-os com uma mochila de coração ou um bolo de namorados, por exemplo.
Amanhã, 14 de fevereiro, você pode visitar Valentina em Greenshore e comprar alguns presentes de Valentine para ela. Mostre aos seus entes queridos que você pensa neles e surpreenda-os com uma mochila de coração ou um bolo de namorados, por exemplo.
Amanhã, 13 de fevereiro, o servidor salvo de todos os mundos do jogo será prolongado devido à manutenção técnica. Esperamos que os mundos dos jogos estejam funcionando novamente por volta das 10:45 CET.
Amanhã, 13 de fevereiro, o servidor salvo de todos os mundos do jogo será prolongado devido à manutenção técnica. Esperamos que os mundos dos jogos estejam funcionando novamente por volta das 10:45 CET.
A jornada é a recompensa.
Quando Snoopy Moony chegou em posse de uma chave misteriosa, marcou o início de uma longa jornada para ela. Continue lendo para descobrir o que aconteceu e acompanhar Snoopy Moony em outra aventura.
Correções de bugs e alterações de conteúdo.
Com o server save de hoje, abordamos alguns bugs menores acumulados nos últimos meses. Entre outros, corrigimos os seguintes problemas:
Reformulamos a IA da nova convocação para tornar o cálculo de distância entre convocar e mestre mais dinâmico. Não é mais possível aplicar imbuimentos no capacete da corrente. Agora você pode obter a conquista de Castlemania mesmo que tenha perdido páginas do diário de Marziel. Encontrar cada página, no entanto, ainda é obrigatório. Várias montarias perderam a conquista "Natural Born Cowboy". Ganhos de XP de jogadores próximos são exibidos acima da cabeça novamente. Histórico de mercado: as entradas "Data final" agora mostram a data correta. Vários problemas de NPC e mapa foram corrigidos.
Seus gerentes de comunidade.
juntos todos vocês, escritores, aventureiros e filósofos! É hora de provar suas habilidades. Enquanto Edgar-Ellen já recita os empolgantes poemas de diferentes Tibianos em Royal Lane todos os dias, você agora tem a chance de escrever literalmente a história!
Estamos à procura de uma história muito especial. Uma história sobre uma morte que você experimentou no Tibia e que você sempre teve em mente.
Percorra suas memórias e descubra a morte mais engraçada, mais estranha, mais triste ou mais dolorosa que seu personagem sofreu no Tibia.
Antes de publicar sua história nos comentários, leia primeiro as condições de participação:
Conte-nos uma história sobre uma experiência de morte que ficou com você, uma morte memorável (heróica, trágica, engraçada, embaraçosa etc.) Sua história deve refletir o estilo de dramatização do Tibia. Tente ficar perto do cenário de fantasia e evite palavras da vida real como XP, nível, conta etc. A contagem mínima de palavras é 100. A contagem máxima de palavras é 400. Não é permitido mencionar o nome do caractere. No entanto, detalhes de vocação e mundo do jogo, como "um druida esperto da Belobra", por exemplo, são permitidos e bem-vindos. Perspectivas de escrita permitidas: primeira pessoa ou terceira pessoa. O evento vai até segunda-feira, 5 de fevereiro, às 10:00 CET. Certifique-se de que leu e compreendeu o aviso de violação de direitos autorais no início do post.
Nós, gerentes da comunidade e membros de nossa equipe de conteúdo, selecionaremos um total de 10 vencedores. Suas histórias serão transcritas para livros que serão exibidos na próxima atualização de verão em uma biblioteca tibiana. Além disso, cada vencedor receberá uma cópia do livro no jogo da sua história.
Além disso, os autores bem-sucedidos podem esperar por 125 moedas não-transferíveis, um conjunto de bênçãos e um token CM.
Hora de pegar um pouco de pena e tinta.
Seus gerentes de comunidade.
Correções de bugs e alterações de conteúdo.
e liberou algumas correções de bugs e alterações de conteúdo hoje.
A proteção inicial de itens com slots de imbucação ativada agora também deve ser aplicada corretamente ao dano por sangramento. Os seguintes monstros foram adicionados ao sistema de presas: seguidor do culto do minotauro, profeta do culto do minotauro e fanático do culto aos minotauros. Os seguintes monstros podem agora empurrar itens e outras criaturas se bloquearem seu caminho: espreitador de lava voraz, devorador de caverna, deepworm, tirano de túnel. O feitiço "Conjure Arrow" agora pode ser aprendido com os respectivos NPCs novamente. A roupa guerreira improvisada recebeu algumas pequenas correções gráficas.
Seus gerentes de comunidade.
Fim de semana de saque duplo.
você está ficando sem produtos da criatura? Você derramar lágrimas de desespero toda vez que Naji revelar seu saldo bancário?
Não se preocupe com Tibiano, o próximo fim de semana de saque duplo vai ajudá-lo!
Pegue suas mochilas e traga apenas os itens mais importantes com você, já que todos os monstros derrubarão muitos itens!
Entre as defesas do servidor de 02 de fevereiro e 05 de fevereiro, você tem a chance de coletar o dobro da quantidade de itens de cada monstro que você matar. Não se esqueça de verificar também o seu bônus de presa ou você pode perder chances de queda ainda maiores em seus monstros de presas!
Para mochilas cheias e bom saque!
Seus gerentes de comunidade.
Todos os orgulhosos proprietários de casas! Nova decoração foi adicionada à Loja! A alquimia é o slogan para várias peças de mobília que você pode usar para decorar sua casa. O mais importante para um alquimista é, claro, a Tabela Alquimista e as Escalas Alquimistas correspondentes.
Além disso, um armário e uma pilha de livros alquimistas, bem como uma estante de livros, uma cadeira e um armário completam o novo interior do Alquimista.
A Luz da Mudança, assim como a Tocha da Mudança, podem definir o humor certo com suas diferentes cores de iluminação.
Há também novas pinturas, você pode decorar suas paredes com. Alguns de vocês provavelmente estarão familiarizados com as obras de arte.
Bustos de personalidades famosas agora também estão disponíveis. Especialmente aqueles que podem chamar seu próprio chapéu devem dar uma olhada especial no busto de Ferumbras.
Quando comprados, esses itens são entregues diretamente a você como kits de decoração, que podem ser desembrulhados dentro de sua casa. Os itens de decoração não embalados são não-utilizáveis ​​e também indestrutíveis.
Nós esperamos que você goste da nova decoração,
Seus gerentes de comunidade.
Dev Note: Cyclopedia Map & amp; Portal System.
você está pronto para a primeira nota dev em 2018?
Nesta dev note, gostaríamos de informá-lo sobre nossas primeiras idéias e ouvir o que você pensa sobre isso.
Gostaríamos de integrar um mapa do mundo na Cyclopedia, onde você pode desbloquear informações detalhadas sobre diferentes áreas e NPCs.
Além do mapa, temos pensado em um novo sistema de portal que permite viagens mais rápidas dentro de uma determinada área. Esses portais precisam ser ativados primeiro usando itens especiais e podem, por uma certa quantidade de ouro, ser percorridos para alcançar certos lugares mais rapidamente.
Por favor, leia a dev note para mais informações e detalhes e dê uma olhada nas fotos da maquete no anúncio correspondente para ter uma melhor impressão do Mapa da Ciclopedia.
Depois, responda às perguntas fornecidas no primeiro comentário.
A nota dev estará ativa até 22 de janeiro, às 10:00 CET.

Desde que foi introduzido em 1997, o Tibia passou por várias mudanças. Cada uma dessas atualizações traz melhorias para o jogo, como gráficos melhores, novos itens, novos monstros e habilidades novas ou alteradas.
Por que algumas das atualizações listadas não possuem números de versão? De acordo com o Atendimento ao Cliente da CipSoft GmbH, os números de versão só são fornecidos se o cliente for alterado e um novo download de cliente for necessário. Quaisquer atualizações que podem ser feitas apenas no servidor não obtêm números de versão.
Lista de atualizações, datas e descrições do Cliente e do Servidor.
Atualizações do Cliente
Atualize 6.0. 3 de novembro de 2000
Gráficos melhorados incluídos, um novo site, implementação de uma verificação para garantir que apenas um cliente de cada vez estivesse sendo executado em um computador, bem como outras medidas de segurança.
Atualização 6.1 (Natal 2000). 23 de dezembro de 2000
Incluiu a introdução da moeda de platina, Kazordoon, uma ampliação de Rookgaard, Orc Fort e outras áreas no mapa, bem como criaturas venenosas realmente envenenando jogadores e correções de bugs.
Atualização 6.2 (verão de 2001). 10 de junho de 2001
Incluiu a nova cidade de Ab'Dendriel e as Ice Islands, assim como os Fields of Glory.
Atualização 6.3. 24 de setembro de 2001
A introdução do Registo Criminal e a capacidade de reclamar das inscrições, aumento das habilidades dos Gamemasters e a introdução de Conselheiros.
Atualização 6.4. 2 de novembro de 2001
Contas Premium são introduzidas e a nova ilha de Edron é estabelecida. As casas podem ser de propriedade de jogadores privados pela primeira vez. A empresa CipSoft GmbH é fundada.
Atualização 6.5 (Natal 2001). 19 de dezembro de 2001
Versão do cliente que suporta múltiplos mundos de jogo.
Atualização 6.6. 18 de fevereiro de 2002
As guildas se tornam oficialmente suportadas no Tibia, e os jogadores Premium agora podem obter uma promoção de Vocação para seus personagens. Novas magias são adicionadas.
Atualização 6.61. 20 de fevereiro de 2002
Um pequeno patch de jogo para corrigir um problema que causou a falha do cliente.
Atualização 7.0 (verão de 2002). 28 de agosto de 2002
As atualizações incluem novos gráficos, a introdução da Lista VIP, a introdução do recurso Comércio Seguro e a introdução dos Canais de Bate-Papo, como Chat de Jogo, Canal de Comércio.
Atualize 7.01. 22 de outubro de 2002
O bloco de logout é extendido e os magos não podem mais invocar mais de dois monstros, que desaparecerão se o mago apagar ou morrer. Um recurso é adicionado para que você possa ignorar mensagens privadas e gritos.
Atualize 7.02. 21 de novembro de 2002
Atualização 7.1 (Natal 2002). 17 de dezembro de 2002
Introdução da cidade de Venore, expansão de Rookgaard e a introdução do Oracle. Itens mágicos como Anéis e Amuletos são introduzidos. A lista de mortos nos perfis de conta do jogador é adicionada, assim como a capacidade de os jogadores premium abrirem um canal de bate-papo privado.
Atualização 7.11 (verão de 2003). 27 de junho de 2003
Algumas correções de bugs. O cliente agora se conecta automaticamente a um servidor de login; anteriormente, os jogadores tinham que digitar o endereço de rede manualmente.
Atualização 7.2 (Natal 2003). 16 de dezembro de 2003
As Ghostlands perto de Carlin são apresentadas, assim como as atualizações para o Orc Fort. Novas roupas para jogadores Premium e monstros mais inteligentes são introduzidas. O novo sistema Quest é introduzido com esta atualização, que permite que cada personagem receba cada item da quest apenas uma vez. O Skull System aparece com esta atualização, limitando a eliminação de jogadores em mundos PvP. Esta é também a primeira aparição de Tutores e do Canal de Ajuda. Finalmente, o Amuleto da Vida é removido do jogo, tornando-se Amuletos Quebrados. O Amuleto da Perda substitui este item.
Atualização 7.21. 21 de janeiro de 2004
Algumas correções de bugs e pequenas alterações no comportamento do monstro.
Atualização 7.23. 9 de março de 2004
Testar cliente do servidor. Preparação para 7.24.
Atualização 7.24. 14 de março de 2004
O Banimento Automático é adicionado ao Sistema do Crânio para jogadores que fazem muitas mortes injustificadas em mundos PvP. O sistema partidário é introduzido. Algumas novas Casas e Quests também são adicionadas.
Atualização 7.26. 4 de maio de 2004
Um pequeno fórum de atualização do site.
Atualização 7.27. 22 de julho de 2004
De agora em diante, os números da conta podem conter 6 ou 7 dígitos.
Atualização 7.3 (verão de 2004). 11 de agosto de 2004
Novos gráficos! O continente de Darama é expandido e a cidade de Ankrahmun se ergue no deserto do sul. Uma série de novos monstros são introduzidos. O controle automático de Spam é implementado no jogo, incluindo a capacidade de postar mensagens no Trade Channel somente uma vez a cada dois minutos. A tão esperada capacidade de comprar e vender mais de um item de cada vez também é introduzida.
Atualize 7.35. 10 de dezembro de 2004
Testar cliente do servidor. As pessoas podem testar recursos que estarão no Tibia em 7.4.
Atualização 7.4 (Natal 2004). 14 de dezembro de 2004
Novas Quests e Dungeons são adicionadas no deserto perto de Ankrahmun. Invasões Aleatórias ou Invasões são implementadas, e Ratos e Orcs são vistos invadindo Thais. A fila de Login é introduzida para ajudar os jogadores do Free Account a acessarem o jogo. Muitas novas decorações para casas são introduzidas, incluindo itens como Tapeçarias que podem ser penduradas nas paredes da casa pela primeira vez.
Atualização 7.41 7 de junho de 2005
Algumas correções de bugs foram feitas. Além disso, se você sair, sua lista de personagens desaparecerá depois de 30 segundos, para ajudar a impedir o hacking.
Atualização 7.5 (verão de 2005). 9 de agosto de 2005
A enorme área de selva conhecida como Tiquanda e sua principal cidade de Port Hope são apresentadas para os jogadores da conta Premium. A cidade é cercada por assentamentos de monstros perigosos, incluindo Banuta, Chor e Trapwood. Poderosas Hydras percorrem partes da selva, esperando para ignorar os exploradores. Os jogadores do Free Account podem explorar a nova e misteriosa Dark Cathedral perto de Plains of Havoc, onde Bandits, Assassins, Dark Monks e muito mais estão esperando por eles. Os worms são introduzidos com esta atualização; você deve ter alguns em seu inventário para pescar. Soul Points também são introduzidos com esta atualização, para ajudar a controlar a trapaça. Outras melhorias incluem Móveis que você compra em pacotes (não mais chutar grandes mesas pelas ruas!) E o recurso Anti-Luring que faz com que os monstros parados demais de seu ponto de desova desapareçam. Spears "quebra" e desaparece com esta atualização; no entanto, para ajudar a compensar, Small Stones, Throwing Knives e Throwing Stars podem ser reutilizados (eles costumavam desaparecer imediatamente após o uso).
Atualização 7.55. 16 de novembro de 2005
Uma atualização técnica em preparação para a próxima atualização de Natal de 2005. A durabilidade de Spears, Small Stones, Throwing Knives e Throwing Stars é aumentada. Runas de Feitiços ficam disponíveis em lojas NPC.
Atualização 7.6 (Natal 2005). 12 de dezembro de 2005
Esta é uma atualização de gráficos enorme, com muitos dos gráficos sendo atualizados e refeitos. Efeitos de iluminação são adicionados. O Magic System é alterado drasticamente, com a taxa de regeneração de Mana acelerando 4x antes da atualização. A quantidade de mana requerida para magias é ajustada de acordo. A capacidade de conjurar magias é alterada de um requisito baseado no nível mágico para um requisito de nível. Varinhas e bastões são introduzidos para magos. Todas as letras, tags e documentos graváveis ​​agora mostram o nome do último caractere para editá-los. O cliente Linux não é mais suportado pelo Cip a partir desta atualização.
Atualize 7.61. 5 de maio de 2006
Testar cliente do servidor. Os jogadores podem testar em 2 mundos (GER: Testa e EUA: Testera) suporte para DirectX 9.0, OpenGL e, claro, o antigo DirectX 5.0.
Atualização 7.7. 17 de maio de 2006
Atualização técnica. A partir de agora Tibia oficialmente suporta DirectX 9.0 e OpenGL. Também a lista branca foi introduzida para bloquear os jogadores que não estão na sua lista branca para lhe enviar mensagens e opção que você pode definir a mensagem recebida para mostrar na janela do jogo ou apenas no canal de chat. Além disso, um novo recurso de relatório foi implementado para os Professores Sênior, possibilitando que os STs relatassem declarações de todos os canais públicos diretamente para o Suporte ao Cliente.
Atualização 7.71. 31 de maio de 2006
Atualização de cliente menor. Corrigidos problemas técnicos com novos mecanismos gráficos.
Atualização 7.72. 9 de junho de 2006
Atualização de cliente menor. Corrigidos problemas técnicos com o automap e autowalk.
Atualização 7,8 (verão de 2006). 1 de agosto de 2006
Muitos gráficos de roupas, itens, NPCs e criaturas foram atualizados com addons de equipamentos sendo implementados no jogo. Mais realismo foi adicionado aos mapas com as lojas tendo placas ao lado de suas entradas. Adicionado o sistema de resistência. As Shattered Isles, algumas novas criaturas, a habilidade de usar hotkeys no uso de objetos e apontar runas para outras pessoas usando a janela de batalha também foram implementadas.
Atualização 7.81. 29 de agosto de 2006
Atualização de cliente menor. Algumas pequenas correções de erros, entre elas o erro de exibição dos dias da Conta Premium no cliente. A manipulação da exclusão automática de caracteres foi alterada. Agora todos os personagens em Contas Gratuitas são deletados se não forem usados ​​dentro de um período de n meses, onde n é igual ao seu nível. Personagens de nível 20 ou superior não são mais excluídos. Além disso, uma vez que uma conta não tenha sido usada por 2 anos, todos os caracteres nela serão excluídos, independentemente de seu nível.
Atualização 7.82. 13 de outubro de 2006
Cliente oficial do Linux foi lançado.
Atualização 7,9 (Natal de 2006). 12 de dezembro de 2006
Ab'dendriel recebeu uma reforma e agora todas as casas têm paredes sólidas de tronco de árvore. Os Pits of Inferno estão agora acessíveis, juntamente com o desafio dos sonhos. Muitas criaturas difíceis foram adicionadas (incluindo Wyvern, Juggernaut, Plaguesmith, Undead Dragon, Hand of Cursed Fate e muito mais). Um questlog foi implementado e os jogadores agora podem armazenar seu dinheiro em um banco.
Atualização 7.92 8 de janeiro de 2007
Para a celebração do 10º aniversário do Tibia, foram adicionados itens especiais e ataques especiais.
Atualização 8.0 (verão 2007). 26 de junho de 2007
Algumas vocações se equilibram na forma de aumento de dano de ataque para Cavaleiros e Paladinos, fazendo com que dano de ataque / runa cause mais dano baseado no nível de magia, e implementando requisitos de nível para muitas armas. Além disso, muitas novas armas corpo-a-corpo e distância foram adicionadas e novas magias para cavaleiros e paladinos.
Atualização 8.1 (Natal 2007). 11 de dezembro de 2007
Mais uma vez, o balanceamento vocacional foi uma grande parte da atualização. Algumas novas missões, 21 novos monstros e novos NPCs foram adicionados. Além disso, todo o sistema de elementos foi alterado. Compartilhando a experiência em uma festa e natação também foram incluídos.
Atualização 8.11 8 de abril de 2008 Editar.
Duas novas poções de saúde vieram, uma para o paladino e outra para o cavaleiro. Aranha gigante atira um novo míssil mágico que pode levar cerca de 70 danos. Demônios se tornaram muito mais rápidos, o que dificulta a sua escalada.
Atualização 8.2 (verão 2008). 2 de julho de 2008
Tutorial Ilha sul de Rookgaard para novos jogadores, novas áreas de caça foram implementadas com novos monstros, muitas áreas renovadas e como Amazon Camp (Venore) e Orc Land. Rookgard, Kazordoon e Darashia estão com novo visual, juntamente com novas missões, novos alimentos, muitos itens novos como novos livros de feitiços, varinhas, bastões, armas brancas, armas de distância, escudos, armaduras e muito mais. Link para o anúncio oficial.
Atualização 8.21. 24 de julho de 2008
Alterações nas criaturas, gotas e respawns. O sistema anti-luring em torno do Amazon Camp (Venore) e a sala do The Count foram melhorados e muitos bugs no mapa foram corrigidos. Link para o anúncio oficial.
Atualização 8.22 12 de agosto de 2008
Alterações em poucas criaturas, Wisps foi removido da entrada de Ab'Dendriel e outras mudanças. Link para o anúncio oficial.
Atualização 8.3 30 de setembro de 2008
Foi atualização menor, como Atualização 7,7 só atualização técnica.
Muda quando você diz trocar para um NPC. Peso dos itens agora mostrados no comércio NPC e outras alterações. Link para o anúncio oficial.
Atualização 8.31 1 de outubro de 2008 Editar.
24 horas após o patch 8.3 ser implementado, é lançado este patch para remover alguns bugs no comércio NPC. Link para o anúncio oficial.
Atualização 8.4 (Natal 2008). 10 de dezembro de 2008
Nova cidade de Yalahar foi adicionada, incluindo áreas: Fenrock, Mistrock e Vengoth, além de novas missões, roupas, feitiços e monstros.
Atualização 8.41 (Spring Patch 2009). 18 de março de 2009
A pena de morte é reduzida e as bênçãos são alteradas para se adequarem a todos os níveis. Cada bênção reduz a perda de itens, resultando em cinco bênçãos agindo como um amuleto de perda. O limite máximo de resistência é reduzido de 56 para 42 horas e a regeneração é alterada. 42 nd horas de resistência dão ao jogador premium 50% mais exp. Um novo atraso de 2 segundos para lutar depois de mudar de piso ou teletransporte, etc, é adicionado (stairhopping sem ser atingido não é mais possível). Um contador de experiência é adicionado.
Atualização 8.42 22 de abril de 2009 Editar.
A nova Política de Privacidade se torna efetiva e há algumas correções de bugs.
Atualização 8.5 (verão 2009). 1 de julho de 2009 Editar.
Revamp de Carlin, Thais e Edron, e várias cavernas têm sua aparência melhorada. Novas missões, equipamentos, eventos e novas áreas de caça foram implementadas. Um novo canal, o log do servidor, mostra as mensagens de dano e saque, entre outras. Novos chefes como The Many, The Noxious Spawn e outros. Patrões existentes, como o Demodras ou o The Horned Fox, têm locais de ataque alternativos que os tornam mais difíceis de encontrar. O balanceamento de monstros foi melhorado mudando o loot, comportamento, experiência e força de várias criaturas tibianas como, por exemplo, Water Elementals, Wisps, Werewolves, Fire Devils, Goblins e muitos mais. Medusa é um monstro novo e poderoso. Adicionado Black Skull para melhor proteção em mundos PvP e a capacidade de se casar com roupa de casamento certo e ter acesso a sua lua de mel em Meluna.
Atualização 8.51 1 de outubro de 2009 Editar.
Este pequeno patch inclui melhores medidas de segurança relativas a copiar e colar links no jogo. A atualização causou alguns clientes a falhar.
Atualização 8.52 1 de outubro de 2009 Editar.
Este pequeno patch apenas corrige o que deu errado no último patch, a atualização 8.51.
Atualização 8.53 (Autumn Patch 2009). 5 de novembro de 2009
Adicionado sistema de guerra. Realinhamento de tipo mundial. Adicionado ilha de transferência do mundo, Travora.
Atualização 8.54 (Natal 2009). 9 de dezembro de 2009
Atualização 8.55 (Spring Patch 2010). 17 de março de 2010
Todos os jogadores agora podem reportar nomes de personagens. Os jogadores premium podem agora desfrutar de duas horas felizes. Se um personagem tiver 14 ou menos horas de resistência restantes, o saque do monstro será destruído. Personagens que são banidos agora são expulsos do jogo dentro de um curto espaço de tempo. Adicionado novo atalho para PoI Quest.
Atualização 8.56 5 de maio de 2010 Editar.
Todos os jogadores agora podem denunciar declarações públicas ilegais no jogo e jogadores suspeitos de usar software não oficial para jogar. Também algumas correções de conteúdo foram feitas no salvamento do servidor do dia anterior.
Atualização 8.57. 6 de maio de 2010 Editar.
Este pequeno patch apenas corrige o que deu errado no último patch, Atualização 8.56.
Atualização 8.6 (Summer Update 2010) 30 de junho de 2010 Editar.
Zao foi expandido. Runas e poções agora são empilháveis.
Atualização 8.61. 23 de agosto de 2010
O sistema de relatórios foi ampliado. Beholders mudou para Bonelords. Os elementais da água agora têm cadáveres. Também incluiu algumas correções de bugs e novos sprites.
Atualize 8.62. (Outono Patch 2010) 22 de setembro de 2010 Editar
Um patch introduzindo novos recursos PvP e mais conquistas.
Atualizações do Servidor
Atualizar. 14 de junho de 2002
Uma atualização do mapa, incluindo a nova ilha de Darama, revisões de Kazordoon e Plains of Havoc. Novos itens também são relatados. Link para o anúncio oficial.
Atualizar. 21 de fevereiro de 2003
Algumas correções de bugs. As invocações agora recebem metade dos pontos de experiência dos monstros que eles ajudam a matar. O Mana Shield agora inclui proteção contra ataques mágicos como o Life Drain. Link para o anúncio oficial.
Atualizar. 29 de junho de 2004
Os primeiros mundos reforçados com PvP, Inferna e Dolera são introduzidos. O número de caracteres que uma conta pode conter é aumentado para 20. Link para o anúncio oficial.
Atualizar. 14 de fevereiro de 2006
A atualização de velocidade! Uma pequena correção para o jogo, de modo que todos os personagens agora se movam na mesma velocidade e no mesmo nível. Anteriormente, os personagens realmente antigos em servidores como o Antica moviam-se um pouco mais lentamente do que seus correspondentes criados recentemente. Falha de hardware e correção de bug.
Atualizar. 17 de fevereiro de 2006
Algumas correções de bugs e novos recursos, incluindo a possibilidade de abrir um canal de bate-papo com um personagem que não está online e uma mudança em letras e rótulos - a partir de agora, eles só mostrarão o nome dos personagens que mudaram seu conteúdo. Anteriormente, se você abrisse uma carta e clicasse ok, ela apareceria "editada pela última vez", mesmo que você não tenha feito alterações. Mais correções de bugs.
Atualizar. 30 de janeiro de 2007
Os ataques foram removidos e as criaturas pararam para derrubar Sacolas Surpresas Vermelhas e Azuis. Notícias Ticker.
Atualizar. 22 de janeiro de 2008
Corrigidos alguns mapbugs, erros de digitação e problemas com NPCs. O saque de algumas criaturas foi ligeiramente ajustado. Um pequeno patch foi lançado.

Trade system tibia
Você deve fazer o login para usar a Loja de Itens. Você pode ganhar Pontos Premium apoiando o servidor.
Elmo Divino (Braço: 13, luta de clube +4, luta de espadas +4, combate de machado +4, combate à distância +4, morte por proteção + 3%). Ele só pode ser usado corretamente por paladinos e cavaleiros.
Armadura Antiga Divina (Braço: 18, combate de clube +4, luta de espadas +4, combate de machado +4, combate à distância +4, proteção física + 3%). Só pode ser usado corretamente por cavaleiros e paladinos.
Ancient Leg Piece (Braço: 10, taco +2, espada +2, machado +2, distancia +2, velocidade +10). Ele só pode ser usado corretamente por paladinos e cavaleiros. Este item pode ser encantado por Orbe do Encantamento. Também pode ser comprado para Tokens Nocivos no jogo.
Defensor Divino (Def: 50, luta de clube +5, luta de espadas +5, combate de machado +5, combate à distância +5, +100 de saúde). Ele só pode ser usado corretamente por paladinos e cavaleiros.
Botas de Batalha (Braço: 1, luta de tacos +2, luta de espadas +2, luta de machados +2, luta com distância +2, velocidade +20, regeneração mais rápida). Ele só pode ser usado corretamente por paladinos e cavaleiros.
Mortes Foice (Atk: 58, Def: 42, espada +1). Esta espada pode ser encantada por um Orbe de Encantamento. Também pode ser comprado para créditos de tarefa no jogo.
Thors Hammer (Atk: 58, Def: 42, clube +1). Este clube pode ser encantado por um Orbe de Encantamento. Também pode ser comprado para créditos de tarefa no jogo.
Lágrima de Carne (Atk: 58, Def: 42, ax +1). Este machado pode ser encantado por um Orbe do Encantamento. Também pode ser comprado para créditos de tarefa no jogo.
Força do Vento (Atk: 70, distância +1). Este arco não usa flechas e pode ser encantado por um Orbe de Encantamento. Também pode ser comprado para créditos de tarefa no jogo.
Chapéu Mágico Divino (Braço: 8, nível mágico +4, morte por proteção + 3%). Só pode ser exercido corretamente por feiticeiros e druidas.
Proteção Divina (Braço: 14, nível mágico +4, proteção física + 3%, +50 PV). Só pode ser exercido corretamente por feiticeiros e druidas.
Saia Antiga (Braço: 10, nível mágico +2, velocidade +10). Só pode ser exercido corretamente por feiticeiros e druidas. Este item pode ser encantado por Orbe do Encantamento. Também pode ser comprado para Tokens Nocivos no jogo.
Godly Spellbook of Knowledge (Def: 16, nível mágico +5, regeneração mais rápida). Só pode ser exercido corretamente por feiticeiros e druidas.
Chinelos Encantados (Braço: 1, nível mágico +2, velocidade +20, regeneração mais rápida). Só pode ser exercido corretamente por feiticeiros e druidas.
Heavens Light (Varinha mais forte, nível de magia +1). Só pode ser exercido corretamente por feiticeiros e druidas. Esta varinha pode ser encantada por um Orbe de Encantamento. Também pode ser comprado para créditos de tarefa no jogo.
Magic Find Amulet (Aumenta a chance de encontrar itens raros / épicos / lendários em 200%). Se um item tiver 5% de chance de ser mágico, agora terá 15% de chance. Este amuleto não abençoa você automaticamente. Este item pode ser encantado por Orbe do Encantamento.
Este item irá encher sua resistência a 100%. Você deve esperar pelo menos 24 horas para usar outro. Você deve estar abaixo de 30 horas de resistência para usá-lo.
Esta caixa mágica aumentará permanentemente seu bônus de achado mágico em 25%. Aumento da magia irá ajudá-lo a encontrar itens mágicos mais rápidos. Ele só pode ser usado uma vez e você só pode absorver sorte de 10 caixas mágicas.
Este orbe vai encantar um item de sua escolha para se tornar mágico. Não pode ser usado em itens de doação. Ele pode ser usado em todos os equipamentos, incluindo mochilas, colares e anéis, desde que eles não sejam mágicos. Este orbe não depende de magia, é puramente baseado em sorte. Tem a chance de criar itens lendários.
Mude o nome do seu personagem. Seu personagem deve estar off-line durante a mudança de nome.

Matar em nome de. Quest / Spoiler.
As criaturas perigosas que assolam as terras estão se tornando cada vez mais ameaçadoras. As pessoas da cidade podem precisar de alguma ajuda para lidar com elas.
Muitos dos mesmos monstros.
Várias quantias de experiência e dinheiro, habilidade para matar monstros de chefe, habilidade para negociar com Grizzly Adams, habilidade para viajar em Tiquanda com Lorek, Santo Ícone, 32 Conquistas (61 pontos totais).
Você deve ir ao NPC desejado e dizer tarefa ou missão (NPCs diferentes respondem a palavras diferentes - veja transcrições para palavras individuais).
Para que uma criatura específica contribua para o seu total (digamos, um Mamute individual em direção aos 300), você precisará obter o máximo de experiência com isso. Em um cenário de party-share, o jogador que causar o maior dano será aquele que receber o kill atribuído. Criaturas Invocadas causando dano máximo (isto é, quando o invocador não causa dano) ainda contribuem para a contagem de mortes do evocador (isto é, se um Demônio invocado causar 320 de dano a um Mamute, esse Mamute ainda será um dos 300 necessários para o convocador). Matar criaturas convocadas não conta para o total de mortes.
Uma vez que você tenha aceitado uma tarefa, não importa em que nível você a conclua (ou seja, você pode terminar a tarefa Minotaurs em qualquer nível depois de ter sido atribuída). Algumas dessas tarefas podem ser repetidas até duas vezes, desde que você tenha o nível correto. Mesmo se você matar mais criaturas do que o necessário para uma tarefa, o contador ainda será reiniciado e começará em 0 se a tarefa for repetida (as criaturas extras eliminadas não contarão para a próxima tarefa). Desde a atualização 9.2 até três tarefas de pata e pêlo podem ser trabalhadas ao mesmo tempo. Os jogadores de nível 130 ou superior receberão pontos de bônus por completar tarefas desde que eles tenham menos de 70 pontos já. 3 pontos extras para quem tem 0 a 20 pontos de tarefa. 2 pontos a mais para aqueles que têm 21 a 40 pontos de tarefa. 1 ponto extra para jogadores que têm 41 a 70 pontos de tarefa.
No entanto, mesmo que você já tenha 70 pontos antes de reportar a conclusão da sua primeira tarefa de 130+, você ainda receberá um ponto extra apenas para essa tarefa.
A tarefa de matar Minotauros e a primeira tarefa de Necromantes não pode ser repetida, tarefas para matar Demodras e Tiquandas A vingança pode ser repetida uma vez se você falhar em matá-las pela primeira vez, e todas as outras tarefas podem ser repetidas múltiplas ou até mesmo um número indefinido de vezes . Atingir o mais alto grau de Pata e Pele - A Elite de Caça não o priva das tarefas de caça de Grizzly Adams. Você simplesmente não poderá receber mais pontos de tarefa. Você pode obter tarefas de diferentes NPCs e completá-los juntos, por exemplo, você pode trabalhar em até 3 tarefas do Grizzly Adams juntamente com a tarefa do Budrik sem abandonar uma tarefa por outra. In order to have the right to kill bosses, you must do hunting tasks (even if you have 100 points). Players who have reached the maximum amount of points for their level's rank will not receive more points. When they complete tasks, however, they may select any boss in or below their level range. The bosses in a lower tier may only be selected once (this is intended to receive the achievements). In addition, level 130s who have maximized their task points will not spend any boss points when choosing bosses from a lower tier. Note that only boss points received from 130+ tasks will have this effect. Boss points obtained in lower tiers will still be spent when selecting any boss. For example, a level 130 with 100 points and at least one boss point may receive the task to kill The Old Widow without spending boss points. Once they've killed this boss one time, they will be unable to select that boss again. If the same level 130 instead accepts the task to kill The Many, one boss point would be consumed. For this reason and because players aren't bound in how many boss tasks can be active, it is recommended to request all lower tier boss tasks before asking for a 130-range boss.
Unranked Tasks.
These tasks can be received from a variety of NPCs, mostly after completing a quest for them.
There are eleven unranked tasks, which are listed below:
Paw and Fur Society.
These tasks can only be received from the head of the Paw and Fur Society, Grizzly Adams. He will give you tasks according to your level. By doing tasks you will gain points; if you have accumulated enough points, you will advance a rank. Each rank has its own unique rewards.
Level 6-49 Tasks.
There are eleven tasks in this level range, which are listed below:
This is probably the easiest task in the lowest level range and it is a good idea to do it since The Snapper can drop quite valuable items (at least for low levels) and you have a chance to loot Crocodile Boots. Bring a few potions, in case you get surrounded.
It is hard to find Badgers in large quantities together, but if you reach the level at which you can face Mammoths, you can take this task in conjunction because those two creatures are found together near Svargrond quite a bit. This task gives little experience/loot and only 1 Paw & Fur point, so it is not really recommended to do it.
Pair up with: Mammoth task.
Like the Crocodiles task, this task is a good one and recommended to do (even repeatedly). If you are around level 25 (also depends on vocation) you can start to hunt Tarantulas in the Tiquanda/Tarantula Caves. Another good option is to hunt them along with Gargoyles and Stone Golems in the Meriana Gargoyle Cave. Fighting Hide will probably give you some nice loot, combined with the valuable Tarantula Eggs and Steel Helmets will result in good profit and experience.
Tip #1: Bring food.
Tip #2: Stealth ring or Invisibility can help, especially at the entrances.
Carniphilas deal high damage, some of it non-blockable, and paralyze their target frequently. You should test your ability to kill them first before accepting this task. 33+ mages (especially Sorcerers) can easily solo them and make a profit. Knights may have difficulty with them but the task is still doable. Very good option if you are looking for task points but your easier options are exhausted.
The boss has a chance to drop a Sweet Smelling Bait and a Mandrake which both sell well.
Best hunting area is definitely the Tiquanda Laboratory, east of Banuta, north-east of Port Hope. Bring food. Carniphilas do drop Dark Mushrooms but they sell very well, so you should see them as Creature Products - collect them and sell them in bulk.
Stone Golems.
This is a good task to do if you have the level and skills, you will gain good experience and make profit with Iron Ore and other stones. To sell most of the commonly dropped creature products, you'll need to have done a high level quest (forced to sell them to other players). There are only two hunting areas that have larger quantities of them.
Pair up with: Gargoyle task.
This task is a good one, there are lots of Mammoths, very close to Svargrond. They give good experience and valuable loot and The Bloodtusk will probably yield some good loot as well. A task recommended to do.
Pair up with: Badger task.
Considered to be the worst task. Gnarlhounds are scattered around Zao Steppe. They have high hp, gives low experience and their loot is poor (worse than a carrion worm). The only reason why someone would accept this task is that it gives 2 Paw & Fur points.
This task is a reasonable good one to do for a knight or paladin. Mages will have a hard time not wasting as they resembles Cyclops but have over 100 more hp. Experience and loot will be as most OK.
When reaching level 35-40 this task becomes the best task to do. There are almost always enough Apes to find in Banuta, even with multiple people hunting there. The experience and loot is good and this task is recommended to do (even repeatedly).
Tip: If you have 20 Paw and Fur points you can take the ferry from Lorek to arrive at Banuta faster.
Thornback Tortoises.
Thornback Tortoises have a high defense, therefore you need high skills to kill them. They can be found in good quantities in the caves below the Laguna Islands. Since you will hunt normal Tortoises you will get some sellable addon items as well. This task has reasonable experience and loot.
It is very hard to find large quantities of Gargoyles together. Since Updates/10.2, you can find a reasonable quantity of Gargoyles in the Upper Spike along with some undead creatures like Mummies and Demon Skeletons. There's also a good spot on Meriana called the Meriana Gargoyle Cave where you can also task Stone Golems and Tarantulas.
Pair up with: Stone Golem task.
Level 50-79 Tasks.
There are eleven tasks in this level range, which are listed below:
Ice Golems.
This task is one of the better ones for Druids and Sorcerers because they have access to energy based attacks. Paladins and Knights may want to try something else because these creatures have a high armor rating.
It's strongly recommended to combine this task with the task for killing Crystal Spiders as the two creatures are almost always found with each other.
There are a few places to hunt these, all of which are around Svargrond.
Nibelor Ice Cave is a short trip from town and contains only Ice Golems and Crystal Spiders. The first floor only has Ice Golems but it's not practical to hunt. The Ice Witch Temple has Ice Witches and Ice Golems on the first floor, and Ice Golems, Ice Witches, and Crystal Spiders on the second floor. Don't bother with the third floor as there are only Frost Dragons and Frost Dragon Hatchlings there. Watch out for the rare boss Zushuka and flee if you encounter her or her minions Frost Servants and Frost Spiders. The Formorgar Glacier mountain-tops has a lot of Ice Golems with Crystal Spiders and lesser creatures. Inside the Formorgar Glacier there are places with a few semi-decent spawns, such as en route to the Formorgar Mines. The Formorgar Mines also has a few. This, however, requires The Ice Islands Quest until mission 9.
Quara Scouts.
The small Hrodmir Quara Scout Caves can be hunted for this task. The only other decent hunting grounds for Quara Scouts would be beneath Malada and Talahu which require The Shattered Isles Quest and involve passing tough creatures. It is not recommended to do this task unless you have no better options.
Mutated Rats.
A good task for any vocation. The best place to hunt these is the Alchemist Quarter in Yalahar, but you can also combine this task with the Mutated Tigers task and hunt both of them at the Yalahar Arena and Zoo Quarter. They give good loot compared to the little trouble hunting them gives, and this includes their boss Esmeralda.
Ancient Scarabs.
This task is very good for mages and paladins, but knights will probably waste. You can find many ancient scarabs under Ankrahmun desert, inside Lion's Rock and the Mother of Scarabs Lair. The biggest spawn is near the teleport to Fleshcrawler. You only need 250 ancient scarabs to finish the task and they give very good loot, as well as their boss which sometimes drops an Ornamented Brooch, which can be sold for very high prices on certain worlds.
It is no challenge to kill Wyverns at a low level with average skills, but since there aren't much Wyverns in one place this task is hard to finish. If you want to do this you could move around in Edron where there are some wyvern spawns close to each other. There is also a large spawn at Ferngrims Gate. This task can also be done in conjunction with the Ice Golem and Crystal Spider task on top of the Formorgar Glacier. Another option could be inside the Drillworm Caves, though this is not very effective since Drillworms are very strong at that level range. It is not recommended to do this task.
Lancer Beetles.
It is best to combine this task with the Wailing Widow task, so you can hunt both creatures in the Zao Wailing Widow Cave. It is adviced to be at least level 60 with skills 75 (as a knight) when doing this task.
Wailing Widows.
It is best to combine this task with the Lancer Beetle task, so you can hunt both creatures in the Zao Wailing Widow Cave. One can also do this task in the Krailos Wailing Window cave and combine it with Giant Spiders and Brimstone Bugs if you reach that range while this task is still active.. It is adviced to be at least level 60 with skills 75 (as a knight) when doing this task. With a little higher skills you can make good profit.
Killer Caimans.
The best place to hunt them would be in the Killer Caiman Cave in Zao Steppe. Killer Caimans drop a lot of loot in Small Emeralds, Giant Shimmering Pearls, and Obsidian Lances, and are also worth a lot of experience for their power level, making this a very good task to do.
Many Bonebeasts can be found in different places, such as Helheim. The best spawn for this level range however is by far Ramoa ("Bonebeast Island"), requiring The Shattered Isles Quest - Access to Ramoa. There is also a pretty large spawn on the first floor of the Old Fortress. Mages can hunt on Ramoa with Avalanche Runes or GFBs, luring many at a time. Paladins will also find this task very doable.
Crystal Spiders.
Recommended to combine with the Ice Golem task. Crystal Spiders can be found on top of the Formorgar Glacier and since Updates/9.86 they can also be found in the Nibelor Ice Cave.
Mutated Tigers.
This task can easily be combined with the Mutated Rats task by doing it under the arena at the Arena and Zoo Quarter or the Bog Raider zone in the Alchemist Quarter, both places in Yalahar. Since the 11.02 Update you can hunt them at the entrance of the Temple Complex along with Mutated Bats, accessible from the Fire Portal inside the Halls of Hope. They can give very good loot if you're lucky enough.
Level 80-129 Tasks.
There are nine tasks in this level range, which are listed below:
Underwater Quara.
For this task, you can go to the Sunken Quarter in Yalahar, the Frozen Trench near Svargrond, Calassa or the two lower levels of the Quara Grotto. This task can be very good for mages using Exori Vis and an earth/energy wand or rod, and for paladins using their best ammunition. Knights are recommended to stay away from the stronger Quaras and only hunt Constrictors and Mantassins by not going too deep. Going with a strong team is recommended if you want to kill their boss, Thul.
Giant Spiders.
A decent place to hunt Giant Spiders is Malada. Another option is doing it along with the Mutated Bats task at the Cemetery Quarter in Yalahar. You can also task them along Brimstone Bugs and Wailing Widows on the Krailos Wailing Window Cave, but the biggest spawn containing Giant Spiders only is at the Giant Spider Cave in the Forbidden Lands. Remember to bring any melee weapon to break spider webs in the cave. There is also a fairly new cave in Tiquanda called the Spider Caves.
Paladins of level 90 with distance 85 or higher can do this task easily and make profit hunting on the Werewolf Cave on Vengoth, though this will take a long time since it has a fairly low spawn rate and spawn count. Knights can do this task taking them one on one and learning how to take advantage of the spawn. Another great, high level alternative would be the -3 and -4 floors of Grimvale which has a big spawn of Were-creatures, including wolves. Keep in mind that 2 Werewolves + summons can easily send you to the temple, though.
The fastest way to do this task is hunting at the Yalahar Cemetery Quarter. You can also go to the Formorgar Mines, though it will be less efficient. Knights can hunt them with great experience at the Nightmare Ruins in Krailos. Task not recommended for mages.
There is only one place to hunt those - Yalahar Magician Quarter. This task is fairly easy to do for all vocations but knights. Paladins can start hunting them with energy walls on the surface around levels 80-90 and mages can start it with a death or ice wand/rod around 100-120, or more efficiently, hunt them underground with a blocker while using Avalanche Runes. Remember to prepare for Plaguesmiths.
High Class Lizards.
This task is only recommended for paladins, since knights and mages will have a lot of trouble killing those lizards at level range 80-130. Paladins can easily do this task while hunting on Muggy Plains or even at one of the Lizard Chosen spawns. Mages can use Avalanche Runes to target many lizards at once around the Muggy Plains.
Recommended for mages only due to their high armor. Because only one cave exists, it may be difficult to finish this task.
It is recommended to take the High Class Lizards task in conjunction as you will kill a few on the way in/out.
Brimstone Bugs.
This task can make you get a lot of cash easily, since Brimstone Bugs drop many creature products and also valuable Magic Sulphurs. You can do the task in one of two Brimstone Bug caves at the Northern Zao Plantations. There's also a big cave on Krailos containing Brimstone Bugs, Giant Spiders and Wailing Widows (which can also be tasked). Remember though that Brimstone Bugs can be very dangerous in larger groups, especially for mages around level 90.
Mutated Bats.
There are no big spawns of Mutated Bats so you would usually want to combine it with another task. You can hunt those at the Yalahar Cemetery Quarter along with Giant Spiders. Mages can also take this task around level 90-100 and hunt them together with Souleaters at the Souleater Mountains. This is the fastest way, but paladins and knights aren't recommended to go there since Souleaters are very resistant to physical damage. Starting from the 11.02 Update one can hunt them along Mutated Tigers at the entrance of the Temple Complex, accessible from Fire Portal on the Halls of Hope.
Level 130+ Tasks.
There are ten tasks in this level range, which are listed below:
Task for all vocations. It can be started even right away at level 130, thought it's not very efficient. It's recommended to take this task together with the Serpent Spawns and Medusae tasks, which you can all hunt in Deeper Banuta. Other places where you can hunt them is Talahu, the Forbidden Lands Hydra Cave or on top of the Hydra Mountain in Tiquanda.
Serpent Spawn.
You can take this task early as a paladin or mage and hunt them in Deeper Banuta together with Hydras and Medusae. You can also hunt them in the Medusa Cave below Talahu or the Medusa Tower in Tiquanda, pairing them with Medusae and Behemoths.
You can take this task early as a paladin or mage and hunt them in Deeper Banuta together with Hydras and Serpent Spawns. You can also hunt them in the Medusa Cave below Talahu the Medusa Tower in Tiquanda, pairing them with Serpent Spawns and Behemoths.
Profitable task, one of the better places to hunt those is Cyclopolis, where the ED+EK strategy works very well. Paladins may consider hunting them on top of the Vandura Mountain. One may also try hunting them along with Medusae and Serpent Spawns at the Medusa Tower in Tiquanda. They can be hunted in packs with Avalanche Runes for higher level mages.
Sea Serpents.
Can be hunted in Seacrest Grounds (accessible by doing some missions in Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest) and Sea Serpent Area (accessible by doing The Hunt for the Sea Serpent Quest). Since Sea Serpents are weak to physical damage, this task is highly recommended for knights and paladins. Mages will want to avoid it.
There are no huntable Hellhound spawns at the moment. Avoid this task if you can. Generally, no vocation will enjoy this task even if decent spawns existed. If you really want to do this task, the best place would probably be Infernatil's Throneroom. There are 9 there, along with a lot of Hellfire Fighters and three Demons. The boss is one of the strongests of this quest, alongside with Zanakeph. They can also be hunted in Goroma, but the spawn is small so it is recommended to hunt them in conjuction with the Demons in Goroma, doing both tasks simultaneously.
Ghastly Dragons.
This task is only recommended for paladins, since they're the only vocation that can cure their curse, which can hit really, really hard. Ghastly Dragons drop insane loot which makes this task a very profitable one, although most of the spawns require certain quests to access the place. Equipment with death/physical resistance recommended.
Since Drakens usually come in large groups and are relatively strong, this task is recommended only for high levels, which can hunt them for example on the walls of Razzachai.
Paladins can hunt them in the Alchemist Quarter of Yalahar. Druids might want to take this task when hunting with a knight at the Formorgar Mines. Destroyers also spawn in the popular Oramond Dungeon when the wrath of the evil has been voted on. However, usually only mages (especially Druids) will want to take this task.
Undead Dragons.
High level paladins can hunt those at the Inner Sanctum together with Ghastly Dragons. Other vacations will have a hard time doing this task. Other than that, the boss is one of the strongests in this quest, alongside with Kerberos.
Special Tasks.
Paw and Fur Ranks.
Unranked Tasks:
Daniel Steelsoul: Greetings and Banor be with you, Player !
Daniel Steelsoul: The trolls living west of our city have become quite a nuisance lately. Not that they are really dangerous to us, but still, we must show them that there's a line they shouldn't cross. .
Daniel Steelsoul: I want you to kill 100 of them. If you succeed, I'll provide you some pretty coins and experience. Are you willing to take on this task?
Daniel Steelsoul: I'm pleased with your eagerness. To help you find the trolls' den, I mark both the entrance to the passage and their lair on your map. To reach your goal, you have to kill the normal brown trolls, but troll champions count too. Boa sorte!
Daniel Steelsoul: Greetings and Banor be with you, Player !
Daniel Steelsoul: Very nice, Player . That will push the trolls' forces back a little. Here is your reward!
When saying task again and not accepting the goblin task.
Daniel Steelsoul: Another option if you want to do a task for Edron would be to repeat killing 100 trolls. Would that suit your taste better?
Daniel Steelsoul: Greetings and Banor be with you, Player !
Daniel Steelsoul: It's not only the trolls invading from the west coast. <sighs> Goblins also have a lair there where they constantly prepare for their next attack. .
Daniel Steelsoul: If you could kill 150 goblins for us, that'd be a good start. Would you be willing to help us in this matter?
Daniel Steelsoul: Fine then! I'll show you the Goblin den on your map, here. Use the same passage you did when hunting for trolls. You can kill normal goblins as well as scavengers and assassins on the lower levels, but beware, they are a bit harder.
Daniel Steelsoul: Greetings and Banor be with you, Player !
Daniel Steelsoul: Congratulations, you've fought well against the goblin plague. Obrigado! Here is your reward!
Daniel Steelsoul: Greetings and Banor be with you, Player !
Daniel Steelsoul: Currently there is no new task I could entrust you with. However, you can repeat killing goblins or trolls. Which would you prefer?
Daniel Steelsoul: Fine then! You can kill normal goblins as well as scavengers and assassins on the lower levels, but beware, they are a bit harder. Have a good hunt!
Daniel Steelsoul: Greetings and Banor be with you, Player !
Daniel Steelsoul: Congratulations, you've fought well against the goblin plague. Obrigado! Here is your reward!
Daniel Steelsoul: Greetings and Banor be with you, Player !
Daniel Steelsoul: Currently there is no new task I could entrust you with. However, you can repeat killing goblins or trolls. Which would you prefer?
Daniel Steelsoul: I'm pleased with your eagerness. To reach your goal, you have to kill the brown trolls and troll champions. Boa sorte!
Daniel Steelsoul: Greetings and Banor be with you, Player !
Daniel Steelsoul: Very nice, Player . That will push the trolls' forces back a little. Here is your reward!
Daniel Steelsoul: Greetings and Banor be with you, Player !
Daniel Steelsoul: Maybe you have noticed the numerous rotworms that burrowed under Edron. They're quite a pest. You look strong enough to be able to vanquish a few for us. Do you think you can kill 300 rotworms?
Daniel Steelsoul: Great! You can find rotworms south of the city, for example. Take a rope and shovel and look for loose stone piles to dig open. .
Daniel Steelsoul: You can kill normal rotworms as well as their larger brothers, the carrion worms, to fulfil your task. Be careful and good luck!
Daniel Steelsoul: Greetings and Banor be with you, Player !
Daniel Steelsoul: Well done! Thanks to you the city is a bit safer. Here's your reward!
Daniel Steelsoul: Greetings and Banor be with you, Player !
Daniel Steelsoul: We've successfully driven the minotaurs off this island, but the underground city of the cyclopes - Cyclopolis - is still standing. .
Daniel Steelsoul: We're always looking for adventurers who'd help us decimate the number of cyclopes. Will you assist the city of Edron by killing 500 of them?
Daniel Steelsoul: I'm impressed with your dedication and courage. I can't show you the exact location of cyclopolis on the map though. It is somewhere north of Edron city. .
Daniel Steelsoul: Exit the city and go through a mountain passage leading to the west, then keep on heading north. The entrance is marked by large, obelisk-like stones arranged in a circle. .
Daniel Steelsoul: You can kill normal cyclopes as well as drones and smiths to reach your goal. Good hunting!
Daniel Steelsoul: Greetings and Banor be with you, Player !
Daniel Steelsoul: Very good job, Player . You've been a great help. Here's your reward!
The Marid: Green Djinns.
Gabel: You've proven to be an experienced soldier, human. Though I still hope the war to be over soon, the Efreet are still threatening our tower. .
Gabel: Thus we need your help in killing the green ones. If you kill 500 green djinns or Efreet for us, I'll reward you with bonus experience and some extra gold pieces. Você concorda?
Gabel: All right. May Daraman bless your hunt, human.
Gabel: You've done it, human! Daraman be praised! Take this for your efforts. .
Gabel: What's left to do now is seek out Merikh the Slaughterer, an especially cruel Efreet. He hides somewhere in Yalahar. I don't know if you can kill him, but you should at least try.
Gabel: So you've been there and faced Merikh the Slaughterer! Whether you killed him or not, I hope your presence at least scared him. He is so mighty that we can only hope to truly defeat him one day. .
Gabel: When you've recovered from your fight and would like to kill green djinns in our service again, just talk to me about that task.
The Efreet: Blue Djinns.
Malor: There are still blue djinns everywhere! We can't let a single one of them live. I guess a start would be for you to kill 500 blue djinns and Marid. Will you assist us?
Malor: Good, then show those pathetic Marid what you're made of.
Malor: Well well, human. Não é ruim. I'm not surprised, since you have done acceptably well in the past. So I suppose I can ask you for another thing. .
Malor: Seek out Fahim the Wise. A name which is utter mockery, since he's one of the stupidest Marid I've ever seen. He hides somewhere in Yalahar, probably afraid to come anywhere near Mal'ouquah. .
Malor: I suggest you teach that joke of a djinn a lesson he won't forget.
Malor: You've met Fahim the Wise? Isso é bom. I'm pretty sure it was easy to give him a nice beating. .
Malor: If you should feel like killing blue djinns in our service again, just talk to me about that task.
Meriana Rebels: Pirates.
Raymond Striker: The pirates on Nargor are becoming more and more of a threat to us each day. I wish someone could get rid of them once and for all, but unfortunately they just keep coming! .
Raymond Striker: Only a dead pirate is a good pirate. I think killing a large number of them would definitely help us to make Sabrehaven a safer place. .
Raymond Striker: It doesn't matter how long it takes, but. would you be willing to kill 3000 pirates for us?
Raymond Striker: Perfect. I know it sounds like a lot, but really, take your time. You won't do it for nothing, I promise.
Raymond Striker: Hey, great. You've done well! As a small reward I give you some coins from our treasure box. Also, let me tell you an interesting piece of information. .
Raymond Striker: One our of spies told us about a secret hideout somewhere on Nargor. Supposedly, one of the four pirate leaders can be found there sometimes. If you dare go there, you might be able to face him or her in one on one combat. .
Raymond Striker: Beware though - prepare yourself well and only flee if you must. This might be your only chance to get into there, so be careful and don't die!
Raymond Striker: So you went into the leaders' hideout? I hope you were successful and got what you were looking for! Thank you, my friend. Pirates still keep coming here, unfortunately. .
Raymond Striker: Do you, by chance, would like to kill pirates again for us?
Raymond Striker: Perfect. I know it sounds like a lot, but really, take your time. You won't do it for nothing, I promise.
Raymond Striker: Ahh, thank you, my friend! What would we do without you? Here, take this reward for your efforts. If you want to continue to help us killing pirates, just ask me about that task.
Turmoil of War: Minotaurs.
Budrik: I am so angry I could spit grit! That damn Horned Fox and his attacks! Let's show those bull-heads that they have messed with the wrong people. .
Budrik: I want you to kill 5000 minotaurs - no matter where - for me and all the dwarfs of Kazordoon! Are you willing to do that?
Budrik: Hussah! Let's bring war to those hoof-legged, dirt-necked, bull-headed minotaurs!! Come back to me when you are done with your mission.
Budrik: By all that is holy! You are a truly great warrior! With much patience! I have just found out the location the hideout of The Horned Fox! I have marked the spot on your map so you can find it. Go there and slay him!! Boa sorte!
Budrik: It was very decent of you to help me, and I am thankful, really I am, but now I have to get back to my duties as a foreman.
Lugri: Necromancers and Priestesses.
Lugri: What is it that you , Player ?
Lugri: What? Who are you to imply I need help from a worm like you? .
Lugri: I don't need help. But if you desperately wish to do something to earn the favour of Zathroth, feel free. Don't expect any reward though. .
Lugri: Do you want to help and serve Zathroth out of your own free will, without demanding payment or recognition?
Lugri: You do? I mean - wise decision. Deixe-me explicar. By now, Tibia has been overrun by numerous followers of different cults and beliefs. The true Necromancers died or left Tibia long ago, shortly after their battle was lost. .
Lugri: What is left are mainly pseudo-dark pretenders, the old wisdom and power being far beyond their grasp. They think they have the right to tap that dark power, but they don't. .
Lugri: I want you to eliminate them. As many as you can. All of the upstart necromancer orders, and those priestesses. And as I said, don't expect a reward - this is what has to be done to cleanse Tibia of its false dark prophets.
Lugri: What is it that you , Player ?
Lugri: You've slain a mere 4000 necromancers and priestesses. Still, you've shown some dedication. Maybe that means you can kill one of those so-called 'leaders' too. . '
Lugri: Deep under Drefia, a necromancer called Necropharus is hiding in the Halls of Sacrifice. I'll place a spell on you with which you will be able to pass his weak protective gate. . '
Lugri: Know that this will be your only chance to enter his room. If you leave it or die, you won't be able to return. We'll see if you really dare enter those halls.'
Lugri: What is it that you , Player ?
Lugri: . So you had the guts to enter that room. Well, it's all fake magic anyway and no real threat. .
Lugri: What are you looking at me for? Waiting for something? I told you that there was no reward. Despite being allowed to stand before me without being squashed like a bug. Get out of my sight!
Lugri: What is it that you , Player ?
Lugri: You can't live without serving, can you? Although you are quite annoying, you're still somewhat useful. Continue killing Necromancers and Priestesses for me. 1000 are enough this time. O que você disse?
Lugri: Good. Then go.
Paw and Fur Tasks:
Ancient Scarabs.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Player : ancient scarabs.
20:57 Grizzly Adams: They can be found in tombs beneath the desert around Ankrahmun. Hunt 250 of them. Interessado?
Grizzly Adams: Good show, old chap! Speak to me again when you are done hunting.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: Very good work, old chap. Lucky you are here - I have just been told of a task which is perfect for you. .
Grizzly Adams: The people of Ankrahmun are having a spot of bother with a huge ancient scarab. They call it 'Fleshcrawler' and you should find and kill it. Good hunting! .
Grizzly Adams: If you're up for another hunting mission, just ask me for a . Be aware that you can only have one 'Fleshcrawler' task active at the same time!
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: Alright, what would you like to hunt? Crocodiles, badgers, tarantulas, carniphilas, stone golems, mammoths, gnarlhounds, terramites, apes, thornback tortoises or gargoyles.
Grizzly Adams: You'll find the apes deeper in the jungle. Hunt 300 merlkins, kongras or sibangs to complete this task. Alright?
Grizzly Adams: Good choice! Speak to me again when you are done hunting.
rest of transcripts needs to be added.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: All right, what would you like to hunt? Hydras, sea serpents, behemoths or serpent spawns?
Grizzly Adams: Behemoths must be kept away from the settlements at all costs. You'll find them east of here in the taboo-area or under the cyclopolis in Edron. Go there and hunt a few of them - shall we say. 2000? Are you up for that?
Grizzly Adams: Happy hunting, old chap! Come back to me when you are done hunting.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: Such marvellous hunting skills! Perhaps you can help me with this one. Have you heard about 'Stonecracker'? .
Grizzly Adams: It's the oldest and most dangerous of all behemoths and was last seen under the Cyclopolis in Edron. O que você acha? Are you hunter enough? I think you are!
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: If you're up for another hunting mission just ask me for a task.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: All right, what would you like to hunt? Crocodiles, tarantulas, carniphilas, stone golems or mammoths?
Grizzly Adams: Damn walking weed-thingies! You'll find them deeper in the jungle. Weed out 150 carniphilas for our society. Alright?
Grizzly Adams: Good show, old chap! Speak to me again when you are done hunting.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: That took some time, huh? Good hunting though. If you're up for another hunting mission just ask me for a task.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: They are a nuisance! You'll find them here in the jungle near the river. Hunt 300 crocodiles and you'll get a nice reward. Interessado?
Grizzly Adams: Happy hunting, old chap! Come back to me when you are through with your task.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: Spiffing work, old chap. Now I have a special task for you. Recently several citizens of Port Hope have vanished. It is rumoured that they were killed by a crocodile. The people call it 'Snapper'. Hunt down and kill that evil man eating beast.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: If you're up for another hunting mission just ask me for a task.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: All right, what would you like to hunt? Hydras, sea serpents, behemoths, serpent spawns or demons?
Grizzly Adams: The spawn of pure evil must be erased from Tibia. You'll find demons lurking in the northern ruins of Edron as well as in some of other deeper dungeons of Tibia. Slay 6666 demons for the Greater Good! Do you think you can handle this task?
Grizzly Adams: Good show, old chap! Come back to me when you are done hunting.
Giant Spiders.
Grizzly Adams: Grizzly Adams: Welcome to the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' Player . Feel free to do for us.
Grizzly Adams: Never liked spiders. Simply too many legs. And I always find them in my bath! Those nasty creepy-crawlies are a threat to the hygiene of every living being in Tibia. Hunt 500 of them. OK?
Grizzly Adams: Happy hunting, pal! Speak to me again when you are done hunting.
Grizzly Adams: Grizzly Adams: Welcome to the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' Player . Feel free to do for us.
Grizzly Adams: Well THAT was a hunt. Bom trabalho. Have you heard about the 'Old Widow'? It must have a hideout. Try to find it and slay the beast. You can ask about new by the way. Be aware that you can only have one 'Old Widow' task active at the same time!
Grizzly Adams: Welcome to the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' Player . Feel free to do tasks for us.
Grizzly Adams: You've killed the Old Widow! Let's continue with your normal .
Grizzly Adams: Welcome to the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' Player . Feel free to do tasks for us.
Grizzly Adams: Alright, what would you like to hunt? You can try hydras , serpent spawns , medusae , behemoths , sea serpents , .
Grizzly Adams: These harbingers of darkness can be found in many deep dungeons all over Tibia. Kill 250 of them. Are you in?
Grizzly Adams: Happy hunting, old chap! Come back to me when you are done hunting.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome to the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' Player . Feel free to do tasks for us.
Grizzly Adams: Outstanding! You do have impressive hunting skills. Have you already heard about Kerberos the oldest and most dangerous of all hellhounds? He must have a hideout somewhere. Try to find him and slay the beast. .
Grizzly Adams: You can ask about new tasks by the way. Be aware that you can only have one Kerberos task active at the same time!
Ice Golems.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: The ice golems on the glacier of Hrodmir are becoming a threat to the civilians in Svargrond. Travel to the Ice Islands and hunt 300 ice golems. Do you accept this task?
Grizzly Adams: Happy hunting, friend! Come back to me when you are done hunting.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome to the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' Player . Feel free to do for us.
Grizzly Adams: As I see it, you need more of a challenge! I have heard that there is an ice golem the hunters in Svargrond call 'Shardhead'. It is an extremely dangerous example of its kind! .
Grizzly Adams: I believe you are equal to the task, Player ! If you're up for another hunting mission, just ask me for a . Be aware that you can only have one 'Shardhead' task active at the same time!
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: If you're up for another hunting mission just ask me for a task.
Killer Caimans.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: Killer caiman populations can be found on the landmass of Zao. Hunt down 250 of them for this task. Interessado?
Grizzly Adams: Happy hunting, pal! Speak to me again when you are done hunting.
Lancer Beetles.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome to the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' Player . Feel free to do tasks for us.
Grizzly Adams: Alright, what would you like to hunt? Ice golems, quara scouts, mutated rats, ancient scarabs, wyverns, lancer beetles, .
Grizzly Adams: or wailing widows, killer caimans, bonebeasts, crystals spiders or mutated tigers.
Grizzly Adams: Lancer beetle populations can be found on the landmass of Zao. Hunt down 300 of this crawlers for this task. Alright?
Grizzly Adams: Happy hunting, pal! Speak to me again when you are done hunting.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome to the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' Darly. Feel free to do tasks for us.
Grizzly Adams: Well done! If you're up for another hunting mission, just ask me for a task.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: This particular species are found in Svargrond. Impressive beasts, but you wouldn't want one in your back garden. Hunt 300 of them. Alright?
Grizzly Adams: Happy hunting, friend! Come back to me when you are done hunting.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: Jolly good job you did there, but now I have a special task for you. The citizens of Svargrond live in fear because of a frightfully bad-tempered mammoth they call 'Blood Tusk'. Go there and put an end to him. Caçada feliz!
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: If you're game for another hunting mission just ask me for a task.
Mutated Rats.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: All right, what would you like to hunt? Ice golems, Quara, elementals, mutated rats or giant spiders?
Grizzly Adams: Recently, I heard of a disturbing development in Yalahar - a plague of monstrous Mutated rats! If they were to spread to the rest of Tibia.. <shudders> My task for you is to contain their numbers in Yalahar. Hunt 200 of them. O que você disse?
Grizzly Adams: Happy hunting, old chap! Come back to me when you are done hunting.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: Very good work, old chap. Lucky you are here - I have just been told of a task which is perfect for you. .
Grizzly Adams: The Yalaharians are having a spot of bother with a huge mutated rat. They call it 'Esmeralda' and you should find her somewhere in the sewers. Good hunting!
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: If you're up for another hunting mission just ask me for a task.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome to the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' Player . Feel free to do for us.
Grizzly Adams: Nightmares and nightmare scions can be found all over Tibia. For this task kill 400 of them. Interessado?
Grizzly Adams: Happy hunting, old chap! Speak to me again when you are done hunting.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome to the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' Player . Feel free to do for us.
Grizzly Adams: <missing>
Grizzly Adams: Welcome to the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' Player . Feel free to do for us.
Grizzly Adams: <missing>
Quara Scouts.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome to the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' player . Feel free to do for us.
Grizzly Adams: The can be found on Malada, one of the Shattered Isles. Your task is to kill 400 quara scouts. I accept quara constrictor scouts, quara hydromancer scouts, quara mantassin scouts, quara pincher scouts and quara predator scouts, are you in?
Grizzly Adams: Happy hunting, old chap! Come back to me when you are through with your task.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome to the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' Player . Feel free to do for us.
Grizzly Adams: That took some time, huh? Good hunting though. If you're up for another hunting mission, just ask me for a .
Sea Serpents.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: Good job, old chap! Are you up for a challenge? Have you heard of the legendary sea serpent called 'The Leviathan'? It must be somewhere near the spot you found. This is a true test of your hunting skills - find it and kill it. Good hunting!
Serpent Spawns.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: My - you can be proud of yourself! However, you're not finished yet. There are rumours about a being called 'The Noxious Spawn' which was seen deep down in the ruins of Banuta. Try to find its hideout.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: If you're up for another hunting mission just ask me for a task.
Stone Golems.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: They can be found all over Tibia. You'll find them in mountain caves or rocky dungeons. Hunt 200 of them and come back to me. Understood?
Grizzly Adams: Happy hunting, friend! When you have finished hunting, return here.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: Nice work, old chap. If you're up for another hunting mission, just ask me for a task.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: There is a veritable plague of tarantulas living in the caves north of the river to the east. Can you squish 300 tarantulas for the Hunting Elite. O que você disse?
Grizzly Adams: Happy hunting, old chap! Come back to me when you are through with your task.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: Nicely done! Now I shall assign you a special task. Rumour has it that there is an ancient and evil tarantula who preys on humans. She is called 'Hide'. Track her down and kill her! Good luck, old chap.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: If you're up for another hunting mission just ask me for a task.
Thornback Tortoises.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Player : thornback tortoises.
Grizzly Adams: You'll find them on the Laguna Islands. Hunt 300 of them. Interessado?
Grizzly Adams: Happy hunting, old chap! Come back to me when you are through with your task.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome to the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' Player . Feel free to do tasks for us.
Grizzly Adams: Jolly good job you did there, old chap. If you're up for another hunting mission, just ask me for a task.
Underwater Quara.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: All right, what would you like to hunt? Ice golems, Quara, elementals, mutated rats or giant spiders?
Grizzly Adams: There are different types of quaras. The weaker scouts which can be found on Malada, one of the shattered Islands and the more skilled underwater kind which can be found in Calassa and some smaller colonies. Which one do you wish to hunt?
Grizzly Adams: As you wish. Seek out a Quara settlement and hunt 600 Quaras, it doesn't matter which type you hunt. Alright?
Grizzly Adams: Happy hunting, friend! Come back to me when you are done hunting.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: Superb work. However, there is something else I want you to do. It is said that there is a quara general named 'Thul' who is responsible for the attacks on Liberty Bay. Find and kill the general and bring peace back to Liberty Bay! .
Grizzly Adams: If you're up for another hunting mission, just ask me for a . Be aware that you can only have one 'Thul' task active at the same time!
Grizzly Adams: Happy hunting, old chap!
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: You've killed Thul! Let's continue with your normal .
Wailing Widows.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome to the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' Player . Feel free to do tasks for us.
Grizzly Adams: or wailing widows, killer caimans, bonebeasts, crystals spiders or mutated tigers.
Grizzly Adams: Wailing widow populations can be found on the landmass of Zao. Hunt down 400 of them. Alright?
Grizzly Adams: Good show, old chap! Speak to me again when you are done hunting.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome to the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' Player . Feel free to do tasks for us.
Grizzly Adams: Alright, what would you like to hunt? Ice golems, quara scouts, mutated rats, ancient scarabs, wyverns, lancer beetles, .
Grizzly Adams: or wailing widows, killer caimans, bonebeasts, crystals spiders or mutated tigers.
Grizzly Adams:They can be found all over Tibia. Hunt 300 wyverns. Interessado?
Grizzly Adams: Happy hunting, pal! Speak to me again when you are done hunting.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome to the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' Darly. Feel free to do tasks for us.
Grizzly Adams: Well done! If you're up for another hunting mission, just ask me for a task.
Special task 1.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: Have you heared about Tiquandas Revenge? It is said that the jungle itself is alive and takes revenge for all the bad things people have done to it. .
Grizzly Adams: I myself believe that there is some truth in this clap trap. Something 'real' which therefore must have a hideout somewhere. Go find it and take revenge yourself! Ask me about the special task when you're done.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: Great accievement, old chap! You are an outstanding hunter, no doubt about it!
Special task 2.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . What brings you here this time?
Grizzly Adams: This task is a very dangerous one. I want you to look for Demodras' hideout. It might be somewhere under the Plains of Havoc. Good luck, old chap, come back in one piece and ask me about the special task when you're done.
Grizzly Adams: Jolly good show! You can cross swords with any creature in this world! I bow to you.
Paw and Fur Ranks.
Huntsman Rank.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome to the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' Player . Feel free to do tasks for us.
Grizzly Adams: Well done! If you're up for another hunting mission, just ask me for a task.
Grizzly Adams: You are ready to advance one rank in our society Darly. Ask me for a promotion first.
Grizzly Adams: You gained 10 points! Let me promote you to the first rank: 'Huntsman'. Parabéns! .
Grizzly Adams: If you find any trophies - either monster heads or other parts of monsters that you don't need - feel free to ask me for a trade.
Ranger Rank.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome to the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' Player . Feel free to do tasks for us.
Grizzly Adams: Well done! If you're up for another hunting mission, just ask me for a task.
Grizzly Adams: You are ready to advance one rank in our society Darly. Ask me for a promotion first.
Grizzly Adams: You gained 20 points. It's time for a promotion. You advance to the rank of a 'Ranger'. Parabéns! .
Grizzly Adams: Oh, I made a deal with Lorek. He ships Rangers from our society - and higher ranks of course - to Banuta, Chor or near the mountain pass to Darama. Just ask him for a passage.
Level range limit.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome to the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' Player . Feel free to do tasks for us.
Grizzly Adams: You may not advance in your rank anymore until you've levelled up. But you can accept tasks without getting Paw & Fur points, just for an experience reward and the possibility to fight a boss from the range lower than level 50. .
Grizzly Adams: You can try crocodiles , badgers , tarantulas , carniphilas , stone golems , mammoths , gnarlhounds , .
Grizzly Adams: as well as terramites , apes , thornback tortoises and gargoyles .
Grizzly Adams: You already achieved the maximum rank for your level range. If you accept this task, you won't gain points for our society. Hunt 300 terramites and you'll be rewarded with experience and the possibility to choose a boss. Are you in, old chap?
Grizzly Adams: Good show, old chap! Speak to me again when you are done hunting.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome to the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite' Player . Feel free to do tasks for us.
Grizzly Adams: Ah, okay. This time you'll just get an experience reward, no points for our society as you already gained enough points for your level range. Ask me for a boss and the choice is yours. .
Grizzly Adams: Level up and new tasks and thus points will be available.
Grizzly Adams: You can choose between the Snapper , Hide , Deathbine and the Bloodtusk .
Grizzly Adams: Find Deathbine, the old carniphila, somewhere in the jungle. Find its hideout and kill it!
Big Game Hunter Rank.
Grizzly Adams: Salutations Player . You gained 40 points for our society. Ask me for a to advance your rank!
Grizzly Adams: Good show! You gained 40 points for the 'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite'. You have earned the right to join the ranks of those known as 'Big game hunter'. Parabéns! .
Grizzly Adams: From now on I'll buy more trophies from you!
Trophy Hunter Rank.
Grizzly Adams: Welcome back Player . You have completed 30 tasks for our society. Ask me for a promotion to advance your rank!
Grizzly Adams: Spiffing! You have done 30 hunting tasks! From now on you can call yourself a 'Trophy hunter'. As a reward I have this special backpack for you and in addition you can sell some more rare trophies to me.
Elite Hunter Rank.
Grizzly Adams: By the gods. 50 hunting tasks. this is astounding! Ask me for a promotion to advance your rank! And while you are here, I also have another special task for you.
Grizzly Adams: Congratulations! You have made the highest rank: 'Elite hunter'. If haven't yet done so ask me for the special task.

Updates Editar.
Since it was introduced in 1997, Tibia has undergone several changes. Each of these updates brings improvements to the game, such as better graphics, new items, new monsters, and new or changed abilities.
Why don't some of the updates listed have version numbers? According to CipSoft GmbH Customer Service, version numbers are only given if the client is changed and a new client download is required. Any updates that can be done at the server alone do not get version numbers.
List of Client and Server updates, dates and descriptions Editar.
Client Updates Editar.
Update 6.0. November 3, 2000 Editar.
Included improved graphics, a new website, implementation of a check to insure only one client at a time was running on a computer, as well as other security measures.
Update 6.1 (Christmas 2000). December 23, 2000 Editar.
Included the introduction of the Platinum Coin, Kazordoon, an enlargement of Rookgaard, Orc Fort and other areas on the map, as well as poison creatures really poisoning players and bugfixes.
Update 6.2 (Summer 2001). June 10, 2001 Editar.
Included the new city of Ab'Dendriel and the Ice Islands, as well as the Fields of Glory.
Update 6.3. September 24, 2001 Editar.
The introduction of the Criminal Record and the ability to complain about entries, increased abilities for Gamemasters, and the introduction of Counsellors.
Update 6.4. November 2, 2001 Editar.
Premium Accounts are introduced, and the new island of Edron is settled. Houses can be owned by private players for the first time. The company CipSoft GmbH is founded.
Update 6.5 (Christmas 2001). December 19, 2001 Editar.
Client version which supports multiple game worlds.
Update 6.6. February 18, 2002 Editar.
Guilds become officially supported in Tibia, and Premium players can now get a Vocation promotion for their characters. New spells are added.
Update 6.61. February 20, 2002 Editar.
A small game patch to fix a problem that caused the client to crash.
Update 7.0 (Summer 2002). August 28, 2002 Editar.
Updates include new graphics, the introduction of the VIP List, the introduction of the Safe Trade feature, and the introduction of the Chat Channels like Game-Chat, Trade-Channel.
Update 7.01. October 22, 2002 Editar.
The Logout Block is extended and mages may no longer Summon more than two monsters, which will disappear if the mage logs off or dies. A feature is added so you can ignore private messages and yells.
Update 7.02. November 21, 2002 Editar.
Update 7.1 (Christmas 2002). December 17, 2002 Editar.
Introduction of the city of Venore, expansion of Rookgaard and the introduction of the Oracle. Magical items such as Rings and Amulets are introduced. The Deathlist on player's account profiles is added as is the ability for premium players to open a Private Chat Channel.
Update 7.11 (Summer 2003). June 27, 2003 Editar.
A few bugfixes. The client now automatically connects to a login server; previously, players had to type in the network address manually.
Update 7.2 (Christmas 2003). December 16, 2003 Editar.
The Ghostlands near Carlin are introduced, as well as updates to Orc Fort. New outfits for Premium players and smarter monsters are introduced. The new Quest system is introduced with this update, which allows each character to get each quest item only once. The Skull System appears with this update, limiting player-killing on PvP worlds. This is also the first appearance of Tutors and the Help Channel. Finally, the Amulet of Life is removed from the game, becoming Broken Amulets. The Amulet of Loss replaces this item.
Update 7.21. January 21, 2004 Editar.
A few bugfixes and minor changes to monster behavior.
Update 7.23. March 09, 2004 Editar.
Test server client. Preparation for 7.24.
Update 7.24. March 14, 2004 Editar.
Automatic Banishment is added to the Skull System for players who make too many unjustified kills on PvP worlds. The Party system is introduced. A few new Houses and Quests are also added.
Update 7.26. May 4, 2004 Editar.
A minor forum update of the website.
Update 7.27. July 22, 2004 Editar.
From now on account numbers may contain 6 or 7 digits.
Update 7.3 (Summer 2004). August 11, 2004 Editar.
New Graphics! The continent of Darama is expanded, and the city of Ankrahmun rises out of the southern desert. A host of new monsters are introduced. Automatic Spam control is implemented in-game, including the ability to post messages in Trade-Channel only once every two minutes. The long-awaited ability to buy and sell more than one item at a time is also introduced.
Update 7.35. December 10, 2004 Editar.
Test server client. People can test features that will be in Tibia in 7.4.
Update 7.4 (Christmas 2004). December 14, 2004 Editar.
New Quests and Dungeons are added in the desert near Ankrahmun. Random Raids or Invasions are implemented, and Rats and Orcs are seen overrunning Thais. The Login queue is introduced to help Free Account players access the game. Many new decorations for houses are introduced, including items like Tapestries that can be hung on house walls for the first time.
Update 7.41. June 7, 2005 Editar.
A few bugfixes were made. Also, if you log out, your character list will now disappear after 30 seconds, to help prevent hacking.
Update 7.5 (Summer 2005). August 9, 2005 Editar.
The huge jungle area known as Tiquanda and its main city of Port Hope are introduced for Premium account players. The city is surrounded by settlements of dangerous monsters, including Banuta, Chor and Trapwood. Mighty Hydras roam parts of the jungle, waiting to take explorers unaware. Free Account players can explore the new and mysterious Dark Cathedral near Plains of Havoc, where Bandits, Assassins, Dark Monks and more are waiting for them. Worms are introduced with this update; you must have some in your inventory in order to fish. Soul Points are also introduced with this update, to help control cheating. Other improvements include Furniture that you buy in parcels (no more kicking large tables up the streets!) and the Anti-Luring feature that causes monsters pulled too far from their spawn point to vanish. Spears "break" and disappear with this update; however, to help compensate, Small Stones, Throwing Knives and Throwing Stars can be reused (they used to vanish immediately upon use).
Update 7.55. November 16, 2005 Editar.
A technical update in preparation for the coming Christmas 2005 update. The durability of Spears, Small Stones, Throwing Knives and Throwing Stars is increased. Spell Runes become available in NPC shops.
Update 7.6 (Christmas 2005). December 12, 2005 Editar.
This is a huge graphics update, with many of the graphics being refreshed and redone. Lighting effects are added. The Magic System is changed dramatically, with the rate of Mana regeneration speeding up 4x from before the update. The amount of mana required for spells is adjusted accordingly. The ability to cast Spells is changed from a Magic Level based requirement to a Level requirement. Wands and Rods are introduced for mages. All letters, tags and writable papers now show the name of the last character to edit them. The Linux client is no longer supported by Cip as of this update.
Update 7.61. May 05, 2006 Editar.
Test server client. Players can test on 2 worlds (GER:Testa and USA:Testera) support for DirectX 9.0, OpenGL and of course old DirectX 5.0.
Update 7.7. May 17, 2006 Editar.
Technical update. From now Tibia officially supports DirectX 9.0 and OpenGL. Also the white list was introduced to block players not on your white list to send you messages and option that you can set incoming message to show on game window or only on chat channel. Also, a new report feature has been implemented for Senior Tutors, making it possible for the STs to report statements from all the public channels directly to the Customer Support.
Update 7.71. May 31, 2006 Editar.
Minor Client Update. Fixed technical problems with new graphics engines.
Update 7.72. June 9, 2006 Editar.
Minor Client Update. Fixed technical problems with the automap and autowalk.
Update 7.8 (Summer 2006). August 1, 2006 Editar.
Many graphics of outfits, items, NPCs and creatures have been updated with outfit addons being implemented into the game. More realism has been added to the maps with shops having signs next to their entrances. Added the stamina system. The Shattered Isles, some new creatures, the ability to hotkey the use of objects and aim runes at others using the battle window have been implemented as well.
Update 7.81. August 29, 2006 Editar.
Minor Client Update. Some minor bug fixes, among them the display error of Premium Account days in the client. The handling of the automatic character deletion has been changed. Now all characters on Free Accounts are deleted if they are not used within a period of n months where n is equal to their level. Characters of level 20 or higher are no longer excepted. Also, once an account has not been used for 2 years all characters on it are deleted regardless of their level.
Update 7.82. October 13, 2006 Editar.
Official Linux client was released.
Update 7.9 (Christmas 2006). December 12, 2006 Editar.
Ab'dendriel received a make-over and now all houses have solid tree-trunk walls. The Pits of Inferno are now accessable, along with the dream challenge. Many difficult creatures were added (including Wyvern, Juggernaut, Plaguesmith, Undead Dragon, Hand of Cursed Fate and many more). A questlog was implemented and players can now store their money in a bank.
Update 7.92 January 8, 2007 Editar.
For the celebration of Tibia's 10th anniversary Party Items and special raids were added.
Update 8.0 (Summer 2007). June 26, 2007 Editar.
Some vocation balancing in the form of increasing attack damage for Knights and Paladins, making attack spell/rune damage more based on magic level, and implementing level requirements for many weapons. Also, many new melee and distance weapons were added, and new spells for both knights and paladins.
Update 8.1 (Christmas 2007). December 11, 2007 Editar.
Again vocation balancing was a big part of the update. A few new quests, 21 new monsters and new NPCs were added. Also the whole element system was changed. Sharing experience in a party and swimming were also included.
Update 8.11 April 8, 2008 Editar.
Two new health potions came, one for paladin and one for knight. Giant spider shoots a new magic missile which can take around 70 damage. Demons became much faster, which makes it harder to stairhop them.
Update 8.2 (Summer 2008). July 2, 2008 Editar.
Tutorial Island south of Rookgaard for new players, new hunting grounds have been implemented with new monsters, many revamped areas and like Amazon Camp (Venore) and Orc Land. Rookgard, Kazordoon and Darashia are with new look, along with new quests, new foods, many new items as new spellbooks, wands, rods, melee weapons, distance weapons, shields, armors and much others. Link to the Official Announcement.
Update 8.21. July 24, 2008 Editar.
Alterations in creatures, drops and respawns. Anti-luring system around Amazon Camp (Venore) and the room of The Count was improved and many bugs in the map were fixed. Link to the Official Announcement.
Update 8.22 August 12, 2008 Editar.
Alterations in few creatures, Wisps was removed of entrance of Ab'Dendriel and other changes. Link to the Official Announcement.
Update 8.3 September 30, 2008 Editar.
It was minor update, like Update 7.7 only update technical.
Changes when you say trade to a NPC. Weight of items now shown in NPC trade and other changes. Link to the Official Announcement.
Update 8.31 October 1, 2008 Editar.
24 hours after patch 8.3 be implemented, is launched this patch to remove some bugs in NPC trade. Link to the Official Announcement.
Update 8.4 (Christmas 2008). December 10, 2008 Editar.
New city Yalahar has been added, including areas: Fenrock, Mistrock and Vengoth, along with new quests, outfits, spells and monsters.
Update 8.41 (Spring Patch 2009). March 18, 2009 Editar.
The death penalty is reduced and blessings changed to fit for all levels. Each blessing reduces your item loss resulting in five blessings acting as an amulet of loss. The maximum stamina limit is reduced from 56 to 42 hours and the regeneration changed. 42 nd hour of stamina gives premium player 50% more exp. A new 2-second-delay for fighting after changing floor level or teleporting etc is added (stairhopping without getting hit is no longer possible). An experience counter is added.
Update 8.42 April 22, 2009 Editar.
The new Privacy Policy becomes effective and there are some bugfixes.
Update 8.5 (Summer 2009).July 1, 2009 Editar.
Revamp of Carlin, Thais and Edron, and several caves have their looks improved. New quests, equipment, events, and new hunting grounds, were implemented. A new channel, the server log, show the damage and loot messages, among others. New bosses like The Many, The Noxious Spawn and others. Existing bosses, like Demodras or The Horned Fox, have alternative raid locations have been added that make them more difficult to find. The monster balancing has been improved by changing the loot, behaviour, experience, and strength of several Tibian creatures like, for example, Water Elementals, Wisps, Werewolves, Fire Devils, Goblins, and many more. Medusa is a new and powerful monster. Added Black Skull to better protection in PvP worlds and the ability to marry with right wedding outfit and have access to your honeymoon in Meluna.
Update 8.51 October 1, 2009 Editar.
This small patch includes better security measures concerning copying and pasting links ingame. The update caused some clients to crash.
Update 8.52 October 1, 2009 Editar.
This small patch just fixes what went wrong in the last patch, Update 8.51.
Update 8.53 (Autumn Patch 2009). November 5, 2009 Editar.
Added war system. World type realignment. Added world transfer island, Travora.
Update 8.54 (Christmas 2009). December 9, 2009 Editar.
Update 8.55 (Spring Patch 2010). March 17, 2010 Editar.
All players are now able to report character names. Premium players can now enjoy two happy hours. If a character has 14 or less hours of stamina left then the loot of the monster gets destroyed. Characters that are banished now get kicked out of the game within a narrow time frame. Added new shortcut to PoI Quest.
Update 8.56. May 5, 2010 Editar.
All players are now able to report illegal public statements ingame and players suspected of using unofficial software to play. Also some content fixes had been made on the previous day's server save.
Update 8.57. May 6, 2010 Editar.
This small patch just fixes what went wrong in the last patch, Update 8.56.
Update 8.6 (Summer Update 2010) June 30, 2010 Editar.
Zao has been expanded. Runes and potions are now stackable.
Update 8.61. August 23, 2010 Editar.
Report system has been extended. Beholders changed to Bonelords. Water elementals now have corpses. Also included some bug fixes and new sprites.
Update 8.62. (Autumn Patch 2010) September 22, 2010 Editar.
A patch introducing new PvP features and more Achievements.
Server Updates Editar.
Atualizar. June 14, 2002 Editar.
A map update, including the new island of Darama, revisions to Kazordoon and Plains of Havoc. New items are also reported. Link to the Official Announcement.
Atualizar. February 21, 2003 Editar.
A few bugfixes. Summons now receive half of the Experience points of monsters they help kill. Mana Shield now includes protection from magical attacks such as Life Drain. Link to the Official Announcement.
Atualizar. June 29, 2004 Editar.
The first PvP-Enforced worlds, Inferna and Dolera are introduced. The number of characters an account can contain is raised to 20. Link to the Official Announcement.
Atualizar. February 14, 2006 Editar.
The Speed Update! A small fix to the game so that all characters now move at the same speed at the same level. Previously, really old characters on servers such as Antica moved slightly slower than their more recently created counterparts. Hardware Failure and Bug Fix.
Atualizar. February 17, 2006 Editar.
Some bugfixes and new features, including being able to open a chat channel with a character who is not online and a change in letters and labels -- from now on, they will only show the name of characters who changed their content. Previously, if you opened a letter and clicked ok, it would show "last edited by" you, even if you made no changes. More Bug Fixes.
Atualizar. January 30, 2007 Editar.
The raids were removed, and the creatures stopped to drop Red and Blue Surprise Bags. News Ticker.
Atualizar. January 22, 2008 Editar.
Fixed some mapbugs, typos and problems with NPC's. The loot of some creatures was slightly adjusted. A small patch has been launched.

Tibia 8.6 trade system clone in Title/Summary.
Tibia Multi Client also known as Tibia MC allows you to run multiple Tibia clients on a single computer. CipSoft cannot detect this. TibiaHub Smart MC is the most advanced multi client program for Tibia and if completely free. With traditional Tibia MC patchers you are burdened with having to install updates or download a completely new patch when Tibia updates.
Publisher: Tibia Multi Client Home page: tibiamulticlient.
Tibia MULTI-ip changer.
With Tibia MULTI-ip changer you can play on OPEN TIBIA SERVERS. IP-Changer can connect your muliti clients with OTS in this same time. You need only one version of program to connect with OTS for diffrent protocol. The easiest interface in this type of program.
Publisher: Asprate Last updated : September 28th, 2010.
Tibia RedBot.
Tibia is a pretty old game, launched about 15 years ago by CipSoft GmbH. Unfortunately, especially after prolonged playing, some actions can become quite boring and repetitive. This "bot" have been created to help with this repetitive actions, and therefore, to make playing Tibia a more pleasant experience.
Publisher: TibiaRedBot Home page: tibiaredbot. br Last updated : January 15th, 2012.
Tibia 8.6 trade system clone in Description.
The Golden Age.
The mod time frame is starting from 5 A. D. the age of Roman aggression and ends in 2100 A. D. There are many new addons as settlement system (differing nations as nomadic, settled down and barbarian groups), classification of countries and new trade system.
Publisher: Vitosha Picture Studio Home page: air.000space Last updated : July 17th, 2010.
Transcend SSD Scope.
Transcend SSD Scope is a program that helps you maintain a healthy and efficient SSD. It brings together the latest technology in determining the condition and optimizing performance of an SSD. The program includes features like: view drive information, view S. M.A. R.T. status, diagnostic scan, secure erase, firmware update, TRIM enable, health indicator, and system clone.
Publisher: Transcend Information, Inc. Home page: transcend-info Last updated : September 26th, 2017.
TibiaTek Bot.
TibiaTek Bot is an application of the TibiaTek Projects family that makes playing Tibia® easier. It contains features such as: macros (auto eat, spell caster, fishing, cavebot), informative tools, fun tools, and a lot more. Main Features : - Fastest Auto Looter (8 items looted in 1 second) - Scripting (VB ) - Regular Expression Builder for Trade Channel Watcher.
Publisher: TibiaTek Bot Development Team Home page: code. google Last updated : March 3rd, 2008.
Manage, create, convert, clone, compact virtual disks of VMWare, Virtual PC, Parallels Workstation. Clone real OS to run within virtualization software.
Publisher: SysDevSoftware Last updated : March 30th, 2008.
Tibia Map Viewer.
Tibia Map Viewer is a useful freeware and Open Source application that allows you to view maps generated by Tibia game client and create or edit map symbols. You can view the entire Tibia map you have explored, both upper and lower levels of the map, with zoom ratio from 25 to 400 percents.
Publisher: Yury Sidorov Home page: tmviewer. sourceforge Last updated : March 18th, 2008.
Additional Tibia 8.6 trade system clone selection.
EASEUS Todo Backup.
EASEUS Todo Backup is a professional free backup & system disaster recovery software for home users. It can full protect your system from system crash and other system disasters, comprehensively backup & restore your home data easily. Backup tasks and plans can be intercoverted to save time and troubles.
Publisher: CHENGDU Yiwo® Tech Development Co., Ltd. Home page: todo-backup Last updated : May 31st, 2015.
AOMEI Backupper Standard.
With a focus in offering an easy and free backup and restore functionality, AOMEI Backupper Standard comes with a comprehensive set of backup options, fast restoring tools, and an interesting choice of extra utilities to explore, compress, and protect your backup image files. It supports all common storage devices and disks, and allows you to save and sync your backups with multiple destinations.
Publisher: Aomei Technology Co., Ltd. Home page: backup-utility Last updated : April 6th, 2017.
VMware vCenter Converter Standalone.
VMware vCenter Converter Standalone is a product to convert virtual and physical machines to VMware virtual machines. You can also use it to configure existing virtual machines in your vCenter Server environment. VMware hosted products can be both conversion sources and conversion destinations.
Publisher: VMware, Inc. Home page: vmware Last updated : August 29th, 2015.
R-Drive Image.
R-Drive Image can create backups of all the contents of a given partition. Moreover, it lets you create startup disks, which are intended to restore data, particularly when the bootable partition of your computer fails to work. Other features include restoring data from an image, making exact copies of a disk to another, checking an image file and mounting a copy as a virtual logical drive.
Publisher: R-Tools Technology Inc. Home page: drive-image Last updated : February 22nd, 2017.
Paragon Drive Backupв„ў Personal Edition.
Paragon Drive Backup 9 Personal is a backup solution for Windows. In my humblest opinion, this application has taken over as the most complete backup application on the market. Not that I use a lot of them, but I have used quite a few, and this is the best so far. Drive Backup 9 allows you to backup your computer drives and create image files that you can later on recover your system from.
Publisher: Paragon Software Home page: paragon-software Last updated : August 31st, 2009.
Toolwiz Time Freeze 2014.
Toolwiz Time Freeze 2014 is an instant system restore program that allows you to keep your computer system safe and protect your computer from undesired changes. The program clones your system, creating fully working copies that you can use normally without risking your "real" sistema.
Publisher: Toolwiz Software Last updated : July 28th, 2014.
DriveClone makes a 1:1 copy of your hard drive and saves it as a complete, compressed image to CD, DVD, or to a USB external hard drive. This allows you to quickly recover your hard drive and settings in case of ANY catastrophic data disaster.
Publisher: FarStone Technology Home page: farstone Last updated : July 29th, 2016.
EASEUS Todo Backup Workstation.
EASEUS Todo Backup Workstation is a backup application for laptops, PCs, and workstations. The Cloud backup feature allows you to copy data to Google Drive, OneDrive, or Dropbox, and the block-level disk imaging ability ensures quick and efficient back up of entire disk or volumes.
Publisher: CHENGDU YIWO Tech Development Co., Ltd. Home page: todo-backup Last updated : March 15th, 2016.
XenoBot is a fully-responsive and optimal client modification for Tibia, featuring an arsenal of advanced tools. The software, which is user-friendly, efficient, flexible and highly secure, works flawlessly on Windows operating systems and does not produce lag.
Publisher: XenoBot Home page: xenobot Last updated : May 13th, 2014.
Cognex Explorer.
Cognex Explorer is a control center application that displays a graphical view of all Cognex vision systems, ID readers and visualization systems connected to the network. It incorporates powerful maintenance tools for backing up, restoring or cloning systems, carrying out firmware upgrades and licensing features.

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